Casa Santa ElenaSanta Elena House

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A las afueras de las villas de Santa Elena se presenta un paisaje con desarrollos de vivienda muy dispersos, fundamentalmente de viviendas vacacionales. En vez de proponer una estructura aparatosa o un monumento, se opto por que la casa desapareciera y se fundiera con la exhuberante naturaleza. La casa es accedida a través de una pequeña y discreta seña sobre el techo de listones de madera. Un muro enchapado con mosaico de vidrio acompaña la escalera que conduce a la puerta principal. Desde arriba solo se perciben esos tres elementos en la cubierta, por eso decidí bautizar esta vista casi aérea con el nombre de fachada principal.

El mismo deck de madera continúa hacia abajo a diferentes alturas, dando origen a la segunda fachada o fachada de visuales. El dinamismo del volumen se traduce en el interior como marco para las diferentes variaciones del paisaje.

The steep sloped site on which the house was to be built had been purchased by two different owners. One of them occupied the top of the hill with a 300 M2 house and about three years later I was commissioned to design a cottage no larger than 100M2. Rather than trying to make an architectural statement, I opted for complementing the superb view with an almost imperceptible mark to the site. I wanted the natural landscape to continue its course so the house is accessed through a very discrete opening on the roof deck emphasized by a pink mosaic wall. That is all what is perceived from above; therefore, I call this view the main facade. As the roof deck folds down in sections stopping at different heights the scenery facade gets generates framing different views along a linear circulation path. It’s all about helping nature to move with the architecture form.